Semantic properties
Regarding semantic properties, signs from the core lexicon have a stable meaning that does not rely heavily on the discursive context. However, context can aid in assigning sense (disambiguation). The connection between the meaning of these signs and their appearance (or configuration) is usually arbitrary.
The sublexical units that form the sign typically don't have a fixed meaning. Yet, specific parameter values can be linked to certain meanings, but they can't predict the sign's entire meaning.
For instance, in Spanish Sign Language (LSE), specific locations relate to different semantic fields: the forehead or temple to thought, the chest to feeling, and the mouth to speech (Herrero Blanco, 2009, p. 44). As a result, signs like MENTALITY and KNOW are signed at the forehead, LOVE and FEEL at the chest, and SPEAK and SILENCE at the mouth.
Villameriel García, S. (2023). Lexicon: Semantic properties. In S. Villameriel García (Ed.), Gramática de la Lengua de Signos Española (GramLSE) / Grammar of Spanish Sign Language (GramLSE). Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY, from https://cnlse.es/es/recursos/gramlse/ingles/index/lexicon/native-lexicon/core-lexicon/properties-core-lexicon/semantic-properties
- Next: Variation in the core lexicon
- References
- Spanish version
- Glossary (in Spanish Sign Language and written Spanish)