Sociolinguistic aspects of variation and change
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the study of sociolinguistic variation and change in sign languages, with a focus on deaf sign languages in English-speaking countries (particularly ASL, Auslan, BSL, and NZSL). We discuss linguistic, social and stylistic factors in sociolinguistic variation, and the nature of variables in signed and spoken languages. We then move on to describe work on phonological variation, describing specific studies investigating variation in the formational parameters of location, handshape as well as one- versus two-handed productions of signs. Next, we outline some of the major research into lexical variation, and its relationship to social factors such as the signer’s age, region of origin, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion. This is followed by a discussion of grammatical variation, such as studies focussing on linguistic and social factors that condition variable subject argument expression. We then describe some of the work on stylistic variation in sign languages, before concluding that much work remains to be carried out to better understand sociolinguistic variation in deaf communities.
En Pfau, R., Steinbach, M y Woll, B (eds.), Sign Language: An International Handbook, pp. 788-816.