La propuesta ortográfica de la lengua española de Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro (1735-1809)

Autor/a: BATTANER MORO, Elena
Año: 2016
Editorial: Bulletin hispanique, Vol. 118, nº 2 (2016) pp. 673-692
Tipo de código: ISSN
Código: 0007-4640
Soporte: Digital




The aim of this paper is describing the spelling reform of Spanish-Castillian language proposed by Jesuit scholar Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro (1735-1809) in his 1795 work on the education of the deaf-mute, entitled «Escuela española de sordomudos o Arte para enseñarles a escribir y hablar el idioma español, dividida en dos tomos». This article also offers some biographical and bibliographical data as well as the theoretical and applied reasons for understanding the presence of a spelling reform in a work intended for the instruction of deaf people.