Ethics of researching signed languages: the case of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL)

Autor/a: HOCHGESANG, Julie A.
Año: 2015
Editorial: Washington, DC : Gallaudet University Press, 2015
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


This chapter will be about the importance of being aware of ethics in signed language research, especially focusing on how local communities should be involved in their own research. I will discuss the need of being aware through telling a personal tale of my own research partnership - one I experienced years ago as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya, Africa. Even though my main assignment as a Peace Corps Volunteer was to work as a teacher at a Deaf school, I worked with the local Deaf community in documenting their signed language for a CD-ROM dictionary. For this project, I worked closely with the Kenyan Sign Language Research Project (KSLRP) at the University of Nairobi. 

En: A. C. Cooper & K. K. Rashid (Eds.), Signed Languages in Sub-Saharan Africa: Politics, citizenship and shared experiences of difference, 11-30.