Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL)

Territorio: Reino Unido
Dirección: DCAL Centre. 49 Gordon Square. London WC1H 0PD (England))
Fax: +44(0)20 7679 8691


Teléfono: +44(0)20 7679 8679

Líneas de investigación: Clasificación

Traducción » Pendiente de clasificar

Más información

DCAL brings together leading Deaf and hearing researchers in the fields of sign linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience.

DCAL started its research in 2006 and is funded by the ESRC until December 2015. It is the largest research centre in this field in Europe with nearly 40 staff and research students, about 1/3 of whom are Deaf. You can read about our research team and many research projects by clicking on the links at the left of this page.


Gutiérrez Sigut, Eva

Investigaciones publicadas

Automatic use of phonological codes during word recognition in deaf signers of Spanish Sign Language

Cerebral lateralisation during signed and spoken language production in children born deaf

Diseño de cuestionarios web en investigaciones accesibles para personas sordas mediante herramientas no estándar

Diseño de cuestionarios web en investigaciones accesibles para personas sordas mediante herramientas no estándar [vídeo]

Dissociating linguistic and non-linguistic gesture processing: electrophysiological evidence from American Sign Language

Early use of phonological codes in deaf readers: An ERP study

El papel de los parámetros configuracionales en el proceso de reconocimiento de signos: un estudio de vecindario

El papel de los parámetros fonológicos en el procesamiento de los signos de la Lengua de Signos Española

Electrophysiological evidence for phonological priming in Spanish Sign Language lexical access

Embodiment and American Sign Language: Exploring sensory-motor influences in the recognition of American Sign Language

Examining the contribution of motor movement and language dominance to increased left lateralization during sign generation in native signers

How do face masks impact communicacion amongst deaf/HoH people?

Investigating language lateralization during phonological and semantic fluency tasks using functional transcranial Doppler sonography

Language lateralization of hearing native signers: A functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) study of speech and sign production

Lexical access in American Sign Language: An ERP investigation of effects of semantics and phonology

Lexical access in Catalan Signed Language (LSC) production

Lexical Processing in Spanish Sign Language (LSE)

Location, location, location

LSE-Sign: Base de datos de parámetros fonológicos de signos de Lengua de Signos Española

Sign Language production: an overview

Stimulus rate increases lateralisation in linguistic and non-linguistic tasks measured by functional transcranial Doppler sonography

The role of syllables in Sign Language Production

Using FTCD to examine language lateralisation during phonological and semantic fluency tasks

¿Es la forma de la mano una unidad de acceso a la LSE?