Why Hire Deaf Teachers?

Autor/a: ANDREWS, Jean F.; FRANKLIN, Thomas C.
Año: 1997
Editorial: 1997
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Educación, Formación


This paper reviews the role of deaf teachers in the education of deaf children and urges the hiring of such teachers, especially in Texas. Part 1 presents current data on deaf teachers in Texas and the nation, reviews the history of deaf teachers, considers the modern day preparation of deaf teachers and some court cases supporting deaf teachers under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It finds that barriers such as standardized testing, lack of support services, discrimination, and lack of awareness of deafness among principals in hiring positions are keeping deaf professionals out of schools. Part 2 discusses curriculum, staffing, and strategies that universities can use to train deaf teachers in schools and programs with deaf children. It emphasizes the need for additional deaf teachers and administrators as well as deaf professionals who represent ethnic minority groups and urges a curriculum containing courses on: deaf children with additional disabilities, legal issues and deafness, American Sign Language, multiculturalism, educational technology; and speech and audiology. In addition, practices and student backing should be included. Also important in such programs is deaf culture sensitivity and leadership training.