Whose 'recognition'?: the British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill

Autor/a: DE MEULDER, Maartje
Año: 2014
Editorial: Sign language studies, Vol. 15, nº 4 (2015)
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital



British Sign Language (BSL) is one of Scotland’s autochthonous minority languages used by 12.533  people 1 (Scottish  Census  2011).  Scottish  BSL  signers 2 are  not  territorially concentrated but live  dispersed  throughout Scotland. Unlike Gaelic, one of the  main  spoken autochthonous minority languages in Scotland, BSL has no legal status in Scotland or in any other  part  of  the  UK  and  is  not  protected  under  the  European  Charter  for  Regional  or Minority Languages.3 The status of BSL in Scotland may change with the introduction of the British  Sign  Language (Scotland)  Bill, which  was  lodged  in  the  Scottish  Parliament on  29 October  2014.  The  proposed  Bill  aims  to  promote  the  use  and  understanding  of  BSL principally by means of ‘BSL plans’, which are to be published by the Scottish Ministers and specified public authorities. These plans are to be  reviewed  and  updated  at  regular  intervals and reported on via a Performance Review report.