Video Relay Service Interpreters: intricacies of sign language access

Autor/a: BRUNSON, Jeremy L.
Año: 2011
Editorial: Wasington DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2011
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 9781563684845
Soporte: Papel


Traducción e Interpretación


“Signed language interpreting is about access,” states author Jeremy L. Brunson at the outset of his new book, and no manifestation of access for deaf people can be considered more complex than video relay services (VRS). In Video Relay Service Interpreters: Intricacies of Sign Language Access, Brunson delineates exactly how complicated the service can be, first by analyzing sign language interpreting as a profession and its relation to both hearing and deaf clients. He describes how sign language interpreters function in Deaf communities and how regulatory processes imposed by VRS providers can constrain communication access based on each individual’s needs.