Use of sign language materials in teaching
In Sweden, we have started to use a digital version of the Swedish Sign Language corpus for teaching purposes. Some of the material is now used with students in two separate courses: Swedish Sign Language for beginners, and Swedish Sign Language Linguistics (for deaf and hearing signers). In this workshop we will present some teaching methods and technical problems. Selected examples are shown to demonstrate how students use the sign language corpus through the dictionary database, the corpus database and a learning platform for studying and analyzing sign language texts, like e.g. the small corpus in Bergman and Mesch (2004) and also some old and new recordings. Students have the opportunity to practice sentences, analyze the entries and annotate the texts or their own recordings.
En: Crasborn, Onno; Hanke, Thomas; Efthimiou, Eleni; Zwitstserlood, Inge; Thoutenhoofd, Ernst (ed.). Construction and exploitation of sign language corpora: 3rd Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, pp. 134-137.