Universals of aspect and parts of speech: parallels between signed and spoken languages

Autor/a: ANDERSON, Lloyd B.
Año: 1982
Editorial: [S.n.]: John Benjamins, 1982
Colección: Typological Studies in Language; 1
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-90-272-2865-9
Soporte: Digital




In this paper I compare grammatical-category systems of signed languages and spoken languages. There are of course superficial differences of channel (hand´-to-eye vs. mouth-to-ear). But once we penetrate beyond this surface, we often find identical patterns. It is reasonable to argue that language structure is very strongly shaped by universals of the human condition: how we think and what we want to talk about. The different channels are secondary, adapted by people to those practical functions.
En: Paul J. Hopper (ed.). Tense-Aspect: Between semantics & pragmatics. [S.n.]: John Benjamins, 1982