Transforming the Expression of Collective Memory in Sign Language

Autor/a: SUPALLA, Ted
Año: 2020
Editorial: Deaf Studies Digital Journal, nº 5 (2020): Deaf Studies Conference: Transformations
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Vídeo digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


The impact on institutional and informational resources that form the infrastructure of Deaf Studies programs is tremendous.  We believe that much has been accomplished with the transformation of knowledge regarding Deaf ways of living and learning.  Even though the field of Deaf Studies is relatively new, one could consider it a vital instrument for transformation.  We find it bothersome that we have not yet fully understood our own sign language, what it really is and where it comes from.  I will share my experience of designing a massive online course (MOOC) with the goal of providing a resource not only for the field of Deaf Studies but for society as a whole to gain better understanding of sign language structure, learning and change.  There is abundance of academic research addressing this important set of themes from different angles.   I believe it is timely to reconsider the nature and dynamics of the conventional expression of our collective memory, the transmission and use of sign language. Because it is important to Deaf Studies to consider the design of its infrastructure, I will also share my thoughts on whether to sustain or transform our ways of transmitting, teaching and using sign language.