Transcription guide lines for Swedish Sign Language discourse

Autor/a: WALLIN, Lars; MESCH, Johanna; NILSSON, Anna-Lena
Año: 2010
Editorial: Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2010
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos, Lingüística » Sistemas de transcripción de las Lenguas de Signos


These guidelines are meant for transcription of discourse using the annotation tool ELAN. Transcription is one part of the larger task of annotation, which also includes tagging and translation. The aim of the guide lines is to be of help to those transcribing sign language discourse as part of the project ”Korpus för det svenska teckenspråket” (Corpus for the Swedish Sign Language), 2009–2011, which is financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentennary Foundation. Transcription can also be done as part of sign language research or by students of sign language