From topic boundaries to omission: new research on interpretation

Autor/a: METZGER, Melanie; COLLINS, Steven; DIVELY, Valerie; SHAW, Risa (eds.)
Año: 2003
Editorial: Wasington: Gallaudet University Press, 2003
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-1-56368-640-5
Soporte: Papel


Traducción e Interpretación


In her analysis of discourse at a Deaf revival service, Mary Ann Richey demonstrates how Deaf presenters and audiences interact even in formal settings, creating special challenges for interpreters. Jemina Napier shares her findings on the nature and occurrence of omissions by interpreters in Australian Sign Language and English exchanges. Elizabeth Winston and Christine Monikowski describe different strategies used by interpreters to indicate topic shifts when interpreting into American Sign Language and when transliterating. The study concludes with Bruce Sofinski’s analysis of nonmanual elements used by interpreters in sign language transliteration.