Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research: Barcelona, september 30 - october 2, 2004

Autor/a: Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research TISLR 8
Año: 2004
Editorial: [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2004?]
Tipo de código: Copyright
Código: 2004
Soporte: Papel


Lingüística, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


The purpose of this workshop is to share the analyses that resulted from a cross-linguistic study of sign language classifier systems. This NSF-funded project collected data from three different sign languages families (11 sign languages in total). An identical set of materials and procedures were used with all languages, which includes narratives, elicitation materials, and judgments of grammaticality, allowing reliable comparison of structures across all of the sign languages.