Themed section: Deaf geographies, an emerging field

Autor/a: GULLIVER, Mike; FEKETE, Emily
Año: 2017
Editorial: Journal of Cultural Geography, Vol. 34, nº 2 (2017) pp. 121-130
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, social commentators fre-quently wrote about the unique relationship Deaf sign language users havewith space. However, scholarly work in geography did little to address the dis-tinct perspectives that are opened through engagement with the D/deaf. Ear-liest works in geography that incorporated D/deaf perspectives were largelyunpublished graduate theses that focused on community building and devel-opment among D/deaf individuals (for a compiled list of resources, see Initial instances of geographers pub-lishing on the topic followed suit, with Skelton’s and Valentine’s seminal 2003work leading the way for an exploration of D/deaf identity in the literature.