The Sign Language of Mainland China at the Ch’iying School in Taiwan

Autor/a: ANN, Jean; SMITH, Wayne H.; YU, Chiangsheng
Año: 2007
Editorial: Gallaudet University Press
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


In Taiwan today, the language of the Deaf community is Taiwan Sign Language (TSL), one of the most studied sign languages of Asia.¹ Western researchers perceive the groundbreaking works on TSL to be Smith and Ting (1979), Ting and Smith (1984), Chao, Chu, and Liu (1988), and Smith (1989). Smith and Ting (1979) and Ting and Smith (1984) address the teaching of TSL to second-language learners, and their work contains glossaries, practice sentences, introductions to each chapter written in Chinese, and English glosses of each sign. 

En D. Quinto-Pozos (Ed.), Sign Languages in Contact.