The ideology of communication practices embedded in an Australian deaf/hearing dance collaboration
What happens when deaf signers of Auslan and hearing non-signing speakers of English and other languages collaborate on a choreographed contemporary dance performance? How do they communicate during the development and rehearsal stages of the project, and what does the final performance look like? A curious observer might speculate that the artists would converse using Auslan and English, perhaps through signed language interpreters; occasionally writing things down, while also making recourse to gesture, movement, and lip-reading when necessary. But does this really happen, and uniformly across individuals? This chapter describes the on-the-ground communication practices that were developed during an Australian deaf/hearing contemporary dance collaboration, with the aim of furthering our understanding of how these practices are performed in everyday life.
En A. Kusters, M. Green, E. Moriarty y K. Snoddon (eds.), Sign language ideologies in practice.