Survey on sign language interpreting in China

Autor/a: XIAO, Xiaoyan; RUILING, Yu
Año: 2009
Editorial: Interpreting, Vol. 11, nº 2 (2009) pp. 137-163
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación, Medios de comunicación y acceso a la información


Though research into sign language interpreting (SLI) has been recognized as an integral part of general translation studies, especially of interpreting studies, SLI is yet to make its way into the consciousness of translation studies researchers on the Chinese mainland. This paper presents data collected from two surveys carried out in China, one of the sign language interpreters and one of the deaf community, covering areas including the interpreters’ professional profiles, the SLI market, professional issues, interpreting difficulties, directionality, quality issues and the role of the interpreter. The paper ends with an analysis of the unique challenges facing the professional development of and research into SLI in China.