Strategies for university training and innovation in times of pandemic

Autor/a: REYES TEJEDOR, Mariano
Año: 2021
Editorial: Covid & Education, nº 15 (2021)
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital




In this article, I set out to demonstrate the need for a student-centred model, which would enable students, through the proper effective use of ICT, to develop critical awareness, creativity, and knowledge. However, this process must be mediated by a teacher who is competent in the use of ICT and knows how to get the most out of them, so that teaching becomes more than merely a “container” of content. This paper presents a brief chronological overview of the events of the pandemic and its most immediate consequences of moving from face-to-face teaching to online delivery in such a short space of time. Finally, it will review the actions carried out by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, in Seville, in the field of training and innovation.