Spanish Sign Language (LSE)
There is anongoing debate regarding the name of the most widely spoken sign language inSpain. The Deaf community prefers the termlengua de signos, visually closer to theEnglish expressionsign (language), to the patrimonial formseña(sign). It is alsocommon to spell it with initial capital letters (Lengua de Signos Española), althoughthis goes against the orthographic rules of Spanish. Linguists have differing opin-ions regarding what the proper denomination should be. The main argument putforward for this is the technical use that many European linguistics make of thetermsigno (sign).The law that regulates the linguistic rights of Deaf people since2007 uses the expressionlenguas de signos(sign languages
En JEPSEN, Julie B.; CLERCK, Godele De; LUTALO-KIINGI, Sam; McGREGOR, William B. (Eds.), The World’s Sign Languages.