Social Media Practices of Deaf Youth in Turkey: Emerging Mobilities and Language Choice
The movement of people across space is... never a move across empty spaces. The spaces are always someone’s space, and they are filled with norms, expectations, conceptions of what counts as proper and normal (indexical) language use and what does not. Mobility, sociolinguistically speaking, is therefore a trajectory through different spaces—stratified, controlled, and monitored ones—in which language “gives you away.” (Blommaert and Dong 2010, 368) This chapter focuses on mobilities of deaf1 youth in Turkey, the vernacular strategies they use for engaging with new communication technologies, and emerging trends in their choice of language use on virtual social platforms.
En: Friedner, M. y Kusters, A. (2015): It's a small world: international deaf spaces and encounters, pp. 112-124.