Signs of hope: Deafhearing family life

Autor/a: WEST, Donna
Año: 2012
Editorial: Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978‐1‐4438‐3654‐8
Soporte: Digital


Educación » Familia y Atención temprana, Comunidad y cultura sorda


This book tells a story of a narrative inquiry into deafhearing familylife. It involves three families, who, over approximately four years, taughtme about their lives. We embarked on the inquiry together as an act of political counter-narrative (Andrews, 2002; 2004) to commonly held,mainstream assumptions about, and hegemonic discourses of, deafness, of sign language and of family-life experience. In doing so, spaces werecreated that respect and acknowledge human beings—adults, children,deaf, hearing—as storytellers and that recognise narratives potentially as political and performative resistance to marginalisation, prejudice and ignorance.