The sign language interpreter in the inclusive education context: what is proposed and what is put into practice
This study aims to investigate the role of the Sign Language Interpreter Translator (SLIT) within the scope of schooling of included deaf students. We chose this theme because of the importance of the SLIT in current inclusion policy of deaf students, reflected in the recognition of the interpreter as a professional, according to a specific law. The study was undertaken in five state schools, namely two basic education schools and three secondary schools, which have SLITs in the classrooms. With the objective of analyzing the interpreter's performance, we carried out interviews and classroom observations with thirteen interpreters, over the span of three months. The data showed that, given the fact that these professionals had been working for some years in the schools that were analyzed, there is still a lot of confusion as to what their actual role is, and as a consequence, their work did not fit the job description. This fact was revealed when we confronted what was proposed with what was actually performed by the investigated SLITs. Although there seems to be well-structured and elaborate discourse regarding SLIT professionalization, we noted in practice the inadequacy of certain assumptions which would make deaf student education gain significance. Among them, we raised issue as to the educational configuration which allowed the SLITs to be pedagogically responsible for the deaf students, because that would reinforce their passive status within a curriculum devised for hearing students. This situation was aggravated by gaps existing in SLIT professional commitments.