Sign and School: using Signs in Deaf Children's Development

Autor/a: KYLE, Jim (ed.)
Año: 1987
Editorial: Clevedon: Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters LTD, 1987
Colección: Multilingual matters; 33
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 0-905028-89-9
Soporte: Papel


Educación, Educación » Adquisición y desarrollo del lenguaje


Born in a world of vision and movement, deaf children from an early age and without apparent difficulty, learn to use the medium to create a natural sign language. For nearly the last 100 years educators and parents zealously over-anxious to make them acceptable in a hearing world, have ignored this language and have immersed their children in a puzzling world of lip-read patterns and indecipherable sound. Now a new approach is appearing in deaf education where the skills and language of the child are exploited to the full to deliver an education which is accessible and meaningful.