The role of deaf professionals in the standardisation of sign language = El papel de los profesionales sordos en la normalización de la lengua de signos

Autor/a: ALLSOP, Lorna
Año: 2012
Editorial: Madrid: UNED, 2012
Colección: Estudios sobre la Lengua de Signos Española
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-84-362-6270-4
Soporte: Papel


Formación, Lingüística


This paper argues for a proper modelling of sign language by Deaf people who are public figures and claims that more can be achieved for the Deaf community by the prominence of sign language by Deaf people in public. In addition, the paper examines new signs and the way in which these develop in the community as Deaf people come in contact with the envolving world news.

En: III Congreso Nacional de Lengua de Signos Española: hacia la normalización de un derecho lingüístico y cultural (2012)