The role of deaf interpreters: investigating what deaf interpreters experienced

Autor/a: CAPPS DEY, Lynn;
Año: 2009
Editorial: [S.l.]: Lynn Capps Dey, 2009
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital



During the 2008 Conference of Interpreter Trainers in San Juan, PR, the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) held a session titled, “Discovery in the Emerging Field of Deaf Interpreting.” Deaf interpreters (DIs), professors and hearing interpreters (HIs) convened to discuss the major issues that DIs experience in educational settings, interpreting opportunities, interpreting tests, team interpreting and other situations. It has been noted that DIs struggle for their credentials through interpreter education programs, written and performance tests and interpreter agencies. They often encounter obstacles, such as having to provide audiograms to meet the prerequisites for enrolling in interpreter education programs. Some are rejected due to the degree of hearing loss they possess.

