Reporting and quoting in signed discourse
This chapter offers an overview of the mechanisms used in sign languages (SLs) to report someone’s utterances, thoughts or actions, which are commonly known as role shift. Despite being able to resort to embedding under attitude predicates for indirect reported discourse, SLs have a genuine strategy that flags the reported segment with an array of non-manual markers anchoring it to the reported subject, as well as with a displacement in the referential framework for indexicals. Relying on Catalan SL (LSC) data, we show that despite the surface appearance of direct quotation, we can actually distinguish role shift used for direct and indirect discourse: the lexical markers introducing it, the syntactic position of the reported clause and, most interestingly, the (non)-shifting option for indexicals signal the two types of quoted discourse.
En: Brendel, E., J. Meibauer & M. Steinbach (eds.). "Understanding Quotation" (2011) p. 277-302