Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Perspectives of Sign Language
Signed languages of the deaf are naturally evolving linguistic systems exhibiting the full range of linguistic complexity found in speech. While the field of sign language psycholinguistics is still in its adolescence, most phenomena that form the foundation of our understanding of speech perception and production, such as lexicality and frequency effects, semantic- and form-based priming, categorical perception, production slips, and tip-of-the-finger phenomena, are well attested in sign languages. In addition, neurolinguistic studies have helped identify brain regions critical for sign language and have documented the dissolution of sign language in cases of sign aphasia. New findings from neuroimaging have confirmed and extended our understanding of the intricacies of the neural system underlying sign language use. Taken together, these studies provide a privileged avenue for understanding the generality of the cognitive constraints evidenced in language processing and the biological basis for human language.
En: Matthew J. Traxler y Morton A. Gernsbacher (eds.). "Handbook of Psycholinguistics" (2006) pp. 1001-1024