Preparing the Educational Interpreter: A Survey of Sign Language Interpreter Training Programs

Autor/a: DAHL, Christine; WILCOX, Sherman
Año: 1990
Editorial: American Annals of the Deaf, Vol. 135, nº 4 (1990) pp. 275-279
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación


Despite rapid growth in the field of educational interpreting little is known about the formal training of educational interpreters. This gap in the research is the focus of this study. A questionnaire was sent to the directors of 50 interpreter training programs nationwide asking for information about their course work in educational interpreting and related areas; instruction in signed English systems; and the directors' opinions on certain ethical and professional questions facing the educational interpreter. The results suggest that graduates of interpreter training programs who obtain employment as public school interpreters are not adequately prepared. Training programs provide few courses on the education of deaf children, on the language systems used, and on issues specific to classroom interpreting. The directors of these programs overwhelmingly support the development of guidelines on the educational interpreter's role. They show some support for the "interpreter as tutor" role but are equivocal about the development of a special certification for educational interpreters.