The Paradox of Sign Language Morphology

Autor/a: ARONOFF, Marc; MEIR, Irit; SANDLER, Wendy
Año: 2005
Editorial: Language 81 (2005) pp. 301-344
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital



 Sign languages have two strikingly different kinds of morphological structure: sequential and simultaneous. The simultaneous morphology of two unrelated sign languages, American and Israeli Sign Language, is very similar and is largely inflectional, while what little sequential morphology we have found differs significantly and is derivational. We show that at least two pervasive types of inflectional morphology, verb agreement and classifier constructions, are iconically grounded in spatiotemporal cognition, while the sequential patterns can be traced to normal historical development. We attribute the paucity of sequential morphology in sign languages to their youth.