An open letter to the deaf community: we have usher syndrome
This theme issue presents personal perspectives and approaches to self-advocacy from individuals who are deaf-blind. Individual articles are: (1) "Self-Advocacy: Attaining Personal Stature" by Michelle J. Smithdas; (2) "The American Association of the Deaf-Blind: A National Consumer Advocacy Organization" by Jeffrey S. Bohrman; (3) a description of the Usher Syndrome Group of the Helen Keller National Center; (4) "The Making of a Self-Advocate" by Winnie Tunison, a deaf person with Usher syndrome; (5) "An Open Letter to the Deaf Community: We Have Usher Syndrome" (by nine individuals); (6) a checklist titled "Do You Encourage Self-Advocacy in Youth Who Are Deaf-Blind? Questions for Service Providers, Families, and Friends"; (7) "Strategies for Enhancing Self-Advocacy with Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind" by Lynda L.'West et al.; and (8) a list of resources (publications, newsletters, and organizations) for self-advocacy.