The Odyssey of Deaf Epistemology: A Search for Meaning-Making. American Annals of the Deaf

Autor/a: CUE, K. R.; PUDANS-SMITH, K. K.; WOSLEY, J. A., WRIGHT, S. J.; CLARK, M. D.
Año: 2019
Editorial: American Annals of the Deaf, Vol. 164, nº 3 (2019) pp. 395-422
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


Deaf epistemology made a crucial contribution to an understanding of a Deaf worldview, yet did not quite encompass the "D/deaf experience." It started the conversation but seemingly stalled. In an expansion on earlier studies of Deaf epistemology, the researchers considered the question "What does it mean to be D/deaf?" D/deaf participants submitted narratives that were analyzed for common themes via grounded theory research methodology. Six open codes were identified: school, cultural capital, deficit/The Struggle, difference/empowerment, accessibility/technology, hearing technology. These themes were captured by two axial codes: journey and sense of belonging. The core category was determined to be situated homecoming, reflecting the apex of a long, frustrating journey. In a transition from a largely etic to an emic exploration of Deaf epistemology, new insights were developed about what it means to be D/deaf, as well as a new way of theorizing about Deaf epistemology.