Nonsense Sign Repetition Task for British Sign Language
The Nonsense Sign Repetition Task for British Sign Language (Mann, Marshall, Mason, & Morgan, 2010) has been developed within a research project investigating how phonetic complexity affects perception and articulation of handshape and movement in British Sign Language (BSL). A previous version of the task was piloted in Marshall, Denmark, and Morgan (2006). Within the frame of the current study, two groups of children were tested: (1) Deaf children who acquired a BSL as a first language (3-11 years old) and (2) hearing children with no prior experience/exposure to signing (6-11 years old). The first group consisted of 91 deaf children, who were divided into three age groups: 3–5 years old (N = 26); 6–8 years old (N = 26), and (3) 9–11 years old (N = 38). Fourteen of these children had deaf parents, the remaining children had exposure to BSL from very early on through nursery school. The second group consisted of 46 hearing children, divided into two age groups: 6-8 years old (N = 23) and 9-11 years old (N = 23) (Mann et al., 2010).