More than meets the eye: revealing the Complexities of an Interpreted Education

Autor/a: SMITH, Melissa B.
Año: 2013
Editorial: Wasington DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2013
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 9781563685804
Soporte: Papel


Traducción e Interpretación


This volume describes a doctoral study designed to identify the skills and knowledge educational interpreters need. Three K-12 interpreters were videotaped and interviewed to explore what interpreters do and illuminate the factors that inform their decisions. The study reveals five primary tasks that interpreters perform; furthermore, data indicate that what interpreters do at any given moment is affected by their ongoing assessments of a constellation of contextual factors. Findings highlight the need for further research and serve as a call to action to prepare interpreters to more effectively meet the needs of Deaf and hard of hearing mainstreamed students.