Minimizing the Impact of Language Deprivation and Limited Access to Role Models on Deaf Identity Development in Children and Young Adults: Global Perspectives for Positive Change
The implications of language deprivation for identity development in deaf people are not frequently treated in the literature. For this chapter, a deaf anthropologist/social scientist and a hearing deaf educator partnered to explore the implications of language deprivation for deaf identities and present strategies to encourage the internalization of positive deaf identities in the face of limited linguistic input. The reader will find descriptions of the impact of language deprivation from a global perspective on two periods of the life course: early childhood and young adulthood. To counteract this deprivation, the authors describe research-based interventions that combine language and identity development using creative visual and digital approaches of storytelling and exposure to Deaf role models for both children and young adults.
En I. Leigh y C. O’Brien, Deaf Identities: Exploring New Frontiers.