The Mescheryakov experiment: Soviet work on the education of blind-deaf children

Autor/a: BAKHURST, David; PADDEN, Carol
Año: 1991
Editorial: Learning and Instruction, Nº1 (1991) pp. 201-215
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda » Personas sordociegas, Educación


By its very nature, the predicament of the blind-deaf child invites debate about the course of human development and its contributing forces. From the time they are born, blind-deaf children are seen as grievously lacking in even the most basic of human characteristics. How and on what basis should training and intervention be undertaken? Meshcheryakov embarked on a educational program for blind-deaf children which had at its core a theory of mind rooted in the concept of human activity.