Melodies unheard: deaf poets and their subversion of the 'sound' theory of poetry

Autor/a: CLARK, John Lee
Año: 2006
Editorial: Sign Language Studies 7:1 (2006) pp. 4-10
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Historia, Arte y Cultura, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


The deaf poet is no oxymoron. But one would think so, given the popular understanding that poetry has sound and voice at its heart. Add to this the popular philosophy that maintains that deafness reduces the human experience, and the result is that deaf poets are often objects of amazement or dismissal and their work is rarely judged on its merit beyond the context of their deafness. Deaf poets in the United States have had to contend with sound not only because some members of the mainstream culture consider deaf people a lesser variety of the human race but also because so much emphasis has been placed on sound as it relates to their chosen art.