Measuring the Immeasurable: The Legacy of Atomization and Dorsality as a Pathway in Making Deaf Epistemology Quantifiable – An Insight from DeafSpace
Venturing outside the pasture of Connaught, just north of the St. Lawrence Seaway, to chase the butterfly of the immeasurable. Along the way, Sirvage amassed experiences and honed his investigative skills within the following fields – History, Social Work, and Deaf Studies. His Master’s in Deaf Studies thesis, “Investigating the Navigational Proxemics,” led him to work for the Gallaudet University Office of Campus Design and Planning as a design researcher, specializing in DeafSpace. Sirvage travels across the country to promote DeafSpace as a design philosophy by giving presentations and participating in architectural projects, such as the Rocky Mountain Deaf School in Colorado and the Living and Learning Residence Hall 6, a new residential hall at the heart of Kendall Green at Gallaudet.