Listening to Phonocentrism with Deaf Eyes: Derrida’s Mute Philosophy of (Sign) Language

Autor/a: BAUMAN, H-Dirksen
Año: 2008
Editorial: Essays in Philosophy, 9(1) pp. 41-54
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Legacies are difficult to forecast, for who knows what sorts of multiple and unpredictable lives they will lead. Once the body goes, we have little say in the matter. One aspect of Derrida's legacies he probably did not predict is his influence on the field of Deaf Studies. This may seem an obscure legacy, especially for someone who never engaged issues of deafness, sign language, or Deaf cultural life. However, Derrida's critique of phonocentrism lends a powerful voice to a fundamental critique from the emerging field of Deaf Studies.
