Linguistic Features and Strategies of Interpreting: From Research to Education to Practice

Autor/a: NAPIER, Jemina
Año: 2005
Editorial: New York: Oxford University Press, 2005
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación


This chapter explores the linguistic features and strategies of interpreting, particularly in higher education, through the description of various research projects involving Australian Sign Language (Auslan)/English interpreters, and their application to the education and practice of sign language interpreters. It discusses research studies focusing on the linguistic features used by Auslan interpreters when interpreting dense information, the relationship between interpreters' language and that of the deaf community, features of language contact used by interpreters and deaf people in university settings, linguistic strategies of Auslan interpreters when interpreting for a university lecture, and the use of translation style and omissions as strategies within the university discourse environment. It also considers deaf students' expectations of university interpreting and interpreting strategy, as well as the educational backgrounds of interpreters in relation to their ability to interpret in higher education.

En Marschark, M., Peterson, R. y Winston, E. A. (eds.), Interpreting and interpreting education: Directions for research and practice, pp. 84‐111.