Linguistic coping strategies from international sign to English

Autor/a: WIT, Maya de
Año: 2010
Editorial: Maya de Wit, 2010
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


When interpreting, sign language interpreters apply a range of linguistic coping strategiessuch as omissions (Janzen, 2005; Napier, 2004; Metzger, 2003; Cokely, 1986). The interpreteruses these strategies consciously and unconsciously. Knowing the possible linguistic copingstrategies will assist the interpreter in making more conscious choices while interpreting(Napier, 2004). In this paper I will look at the linguistic coping strategies an international signinterpreter uses. During the last decade, the request for international sign interpreters has increased in Europe(Nardi, 2008). International sign is not a conventional language (Woll, 1999; Moody, 1994)and there is no formal education for international sign interpreters yet. Currently activeinternational sign interpreters learned their skills in practice, upon request of the deaf society(Moody, 2007). Interpreting from international sign to English, confronts the interpreter withnew challenges, involving the diversity of international sign styles, vocabularies, andnationalities of the signers.The material used for this small pilot study is a spontaneously filmed five-minute video clipof a deaf person presenting in international sign at an international conference and theinterpretation of the interpreter into English. The study investigates which linguistic copingstrategies an international sign interpreter uses when interpreting from international sign toEnglish. The goal of the study is to identify specific interpreting strategies that can be usedwhen interpreting from international sign to English in a monologue discourse.

Unpublished MSc research report, EUMASLI: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK