Language development of deaf children in a sign bilingual and co-enrollment environment
The chapter explores whether there is any interaction between the development of grammatical knowledge of Hong Kong Sign Language, Cantonese, and Mandarin Chinese by a group of severe to profoundly deaf children studying in a sign bilingual and co-enrollment program in Hong Kong. Results based on language assessment tests show that there is a positive relationship in the development of the three languages, suggesting that acquiring Hong Kong Sign Language does not impede development of spoken language. Also, early exposure to and acquisition of both a signed language and a spoken language strengthen this positive relationship. These results can be interpreted from the perspective of bilingual acquisition in which cross-linguistic influence in a bimodal fashion is possible, despite linguistic differences at the surface level.
En Marschark, M., Tang, G., Knoors, H. (eds.): Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education, pp. 313-342.