Issues in creating annotation standards for sign language description
In this paper, we discuss the need for a standardised system of annotation for sign language corpora. Although several tools exist for the annotation of video data (such as ELAN or iLex), and some existing projects have annotation guidelines (e.g., Crasborn et al., 2007; Johnston, 2010), a widely adopted standard is currently unavailable. First, we discuss the purpose of a set of unified annotation standards for sign languages: such standards would provide a shared set of conventions for the easy exchange of data across different sign language corpus projects and may increase consistency within corpora. Next, we discuss the properties that would define a good set of shared annotation conventions (Beckman et al., 2009). We examine some of the proposed annotation standards for spoken language description, such as the ToBI conventions for prosody and the Leipzig Glossing Rules for morphosyntax. Lastly, we discuss the relationship between theory and description. Dryer (2006) pointed out that linguists often contrast ‘theoretical linguistics’ with ‘descriptive’ work. But if one accepts the argument that there is indeed no ‘atheoretical description’, then sign language linguists need to agree on a shared theory for basic sign language description, and how this translates into annotation practices.
En: Drew, Philippe; Efthimiou, Eleni; Hanke, Thomas; Johnston, Trevor; Martinez-Ruiz, Gregorio; Schembri, Adam (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 212-216).