Interrogating sign language ideologies in the Saskatchewan deaf community: An autoethnography
This paper provides an autoethnographic account of my late acquisition of Ameri-can Sign Language (ASL) in the context of diminished access to native ASL signers due to the closure of the RJD Provincial School for the Deaf in 1991. I will focus on selected periods of intense ASL acquisition and language ideological conflicts which propelled me into an translanguaging orientation (Garcia, Otheguy, & Reid, 2015). My adherence to bilingual frameworks for language learning (ASL and English), built upon monolingual language ideologies (Garcia, 2009; Canagarajah, 2013) over a 27 year period, distorted my understanding of my own second-lan-guage acquisition.
En Kusters A., Green M., Moriarty Harrelson E., Snoddon K. (Eds.), Sign language ideologies in practice (pp. 25–41)