An interpreter's interpretation: Sign language interpreters' view of musculoskeletal disorders
Sign language interpreters are at increased risk for musculoskeletal disorders. The present study used content analysis to obtain detailed information from the interpreter’s point of view. Risk factors for initiation and/or exacerbation of symptoms included: difficult job, setting (educational), style (e.g., posture, self generated force), and emotional and physical stressors. Symptom management included self-care methods such as exercise, diet, and warm up prior to interpreting. Coping strategies that were more active (e.g. more control over work schedule) were reported as useful. Additional findings included the use of complementary alternative medicine, the possible preventative use of exercise in these upper extremity disorders, and a starting point for exposure levels to interpreting situations. The results also highlight the need to investigate the clinical effectiveness of approaches such as acupuncture and the use of active coping behaviors in the prevention and management of these symptoms.