The influence of fingerspelling on the development of Language, Communication and Educational Achievement in Deaf Children

Autor/a: QUIGLEY, Stephen P.
Año: 1968
Editorial: Washington: Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, [1968?]
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Papel


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Two studies were made of the Rochester Method of combining fingerspelling with speech and of its effects on development of language and communication in profoundly, prelingually deaf children. A survey tested school performances of 200 subjects from six residential schools for the deaf, three of which used the Rochester Method and three which used various combinations of oral and manual communication methods. An experimental study compared two matched groups of 16 deaf children, one using the Rochester and the other the oral method, after 4 years on measures of language and communication. The survey showed children using the Rochester Method were superior on measures involving meaningful language. The experimental study also indicated that those using the Rochester Method exceeded the others on reading, written language, and speechreading abilities. It was thus concluded that the Rochester Method can lead to higher scholastic achievement, need not deter acquisition of oral skills, and is more beneficial when started with younger children. The investigation was supported, in part, by a research grant RD 1299s from the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C.