In Between Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk: Crises of Collage, Mutating Identities, and Collective Subjectivities
In this chapter, the reader will find a careful analysis of the impact of mutating identities written by a deaf educational anthropologist who places himself squarely in the liminal zone of identity as an in-betweener, identifying himself as culturally Deaf and as a deaf person who speaks. Using this as a starting point, he argues for a shift from a politics of identity toward a politics of vitalism that rejects a focus on individual bodies and differences and instead focuses on flows of vitality that emerge through difference and movement across multiple bodies and identities. In so doing, he disavows an essentialist and dualistic “us-them” framework and elucidates the richness of the in-between. This serves as a generative force to move beyond a subject’s struggle for an unattainable unified identity and instead seek connections with multiple bodies.
En I. Leigh y C. O’Brien, Deaf Identities: Exploring New Frontiers.