Exploring the multilingual family repertoire: ethnographic approaches
Situated at the crossroads between language policy research and studies on bilingual child acqui-sition (King, Fogle, and Logan-Terry 2008), the field of Family Language Policy (FLP) looks intoissues involving the role of language and languaging in multilingual families, paying attention to(the interaction between) language planning, language beliefs, and language practices. AlthoughFLP has been successful in identifying and exploring various factors that contribute to languagemaintenance and shift in a wide array of (minority language) contexts, some family configurationsand contexts of multilingual childrearing have remained under-researched, even if these areincreasingly common (see Wright and Higgins forthcoming). These contexts include for examplesingle-parent or blended families, LGBTQ-identified families (Goldberg and Allen 2012), adoptivefamilies (Fogle 2012), families with ‘new speakers’(Pujolar and Puigdevall 2015), families with co-located grandparents (Ruby 2012), families in endangered language communities (Nandi 2016;Smith-Christmas 2016), transcultural and transnational families (Batamula 2016; Curdt-Christiansenand Lanza 2018; Fogle and King 2013;HuaandWei2016;King2016; King and Lanza 2019;Lanzaand Wei 2016;Lee2021; Obojska and Purkarthofer 2018;VanMensel2018;Wei2012), diasporafamilies (Gharibi and Mirvahedi 2021), families with differing sensorial capacities (e.g. familieswith deaf or blind members), and mixed deaf/hearing families who use a combination of signedand spoken languages in various contexts (De Meulder, Kusters, and Napier forthcoming;Kanto,Huttunen, and Laakso 2013; McKee and Smiler 2017; Pizer 2013,2021)