Empowerment, Identity and Participatory Research: Using social action research to challenge isolation for deaf and hard of hearing people from minority ethnic communities

Autor/a: TAYLOR, George
Año: 2010
Editorial: Disability and Society, Vol. 14 (2010) pp. 369–384
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


This paper considers the practice of empowerment within a social action approach, and the importance of an analysis of issues of identity, for an understanding of the experience of individuals and their communities. The discussion is grounded in the experience of conducting a research project on the 'needs of deaf and hard of hearing people from minority ethnic communities', living in the London Borough of Merton. The theme of 'isolation' is taken as a focus for the discussion. It was identified by respondents to be of central importance to an understanding of their experience. The Social Model of Disability and the concept of Deaf Culture are used to explore the complex set of relationships that characterise the day-to-day reality for deaf and hard of hearing people from minority ethnic communities, and recommendations are made to assist researchers and service providers in developing a more empowering practice.