Educating Deaf Students: global perspectives

Autor/a: POWER, Des (ed.); LEIGH, Greg (ed.)
Año: 2004
Editorial: Washington: Gallaudet University Press, cop. 2004
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 1-56368-308-3
Soporte: Papel




The 19th International Congress on Education of the Deaf (ICED) in 2000, held in Sydney, Australia, brought together 1,067 teachers, administrators and researchers from 46 countries to address an extremely wide selection of topics. Experts from around the world discussed inclusion of deaf students in regular educational environments, literacy, audiology, auditory development and listening programs, hearing aids, programming for children with cochlear implants, signed communication in education, bilingual education, early intervention (including the rapidly emerging area of newborn hearing screening), education in developing countries, deaf students with multiple disabilities, and deaf students in post-secondary school education.